IV Hydration

Internal Medicine located in Folsom, CA
IV Hydration

IV Hydration services offered in Folsom, CA

IV hydration has a lot to offer for those in Folsom, California, searching for a way to boost nutrition at the cellular level. This popular wellness treatment is available from Tet Toe, MD, at Folsom Internal Medicine Associates. If you’ve heard the buzz about IV hydration and want to try it for yourself, call or click to set up a visit. 

What is IV hydration?

Intravenous (IV) therapy has been around for a long time. The process of placing a length of medical tubing directly into a vein and using it to deliver hydration and medication into the bloodstream is a common practice in hospitals and other medical settings. 

Today, that same approach allows practitioners to deliver a powerful blend of micronutrients directly into the bloodstream. IV hydration offers the chance to infuse your blood with a precisely known quantity of nutrients, enabling a highly customized wellness treatment.

What are some of the benefits of IV hydration?

You can certainly meet all of your nutritional needs through food sources. Attaining that goal, however, requires considerable time and effort planning, shopping for, and preparing meals. Meeting those requirements every day is simply not possible for many busy adults. 

Supplements can help fill certain nutritional gaps, but research shows that a substantial portion of supplements passes through your system undigested. That means you aren’t getting the full value of your investment and also have no way of knowing exactly how much of any given nutrient is making its way into your bloodstream. 

IV hydration gives your body a powerful nutrition boost in less than an hour. Because this approach bypasses your digestive system entirely, you get the full benefit of your custom nutrient blend. 

Some of the benefits possible through IV hydration include:

  • Energy enhancement
  • Immune boost
  • Hangover recovery
  • Workout recovery
  • Weight loss
  • Skin clarity
  • Cognitive enhancement

IV therapy also creates an instant hydration benefit. Since most people are in a state of mild dehydration, IV hydration is a great way to help them get back on track toward optimal hydration.    

Is IV hydration a painful or dangerous procedure?

In the hands of a skilled practitioner like Dr. Toe, IV hydration is not a painful experience. You might feel a slight pinch as the needle enters your skin, but there is no significant pain. 

It usually takes just seconds to place the IV and secure the tubing with a small piece of surgical tape. You can then rest, read, or listen to music during your treatment, which lasts less than an hour. 

Many people report feeling refreshed and renewed even before their treatment session ends. You then return to normal routines and enjoy the rest of your day when you’re ready to learn more, book a visit online or over the phone.