
Internal Medicine located in Folsom, CA

Hypertension services offered in Folsom, CA

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is an extremely dangerous health condition with few clear symptoms. Residents of Folsom, California, who rely on Tet Toe, MD, of Folsom Internal Medicine Associates for care receive frequent blood pressure monitoring to identify dangerous trends and take action as needed. Book a visit online or by phone to learn more about the role hypertension plays in overall health. 

What is hypertension?

Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. To understand this condition, it helps to consider the way your heart moves blood throughout your body. 

Each time your heart beats, it pumps oxygenated blood into your arteries. The pumping action places pressure on the walls of those arteries. Blood pressure is measured during each heartbeat (systolic) and in the pause between heartbeats (diastolic). Those readings are recorded as systolic/diastolic.

Readings below 120/80 are considered normal and are no cause for concern. Once your blood pressure rises above 130/80, you are considered to have high blood pressure. Readings above 140/90 are dangerous and require prompt intervention. 

What are the health risks associated with hypertension?

High blood pressure poses many health risks. Virtually every organ and system in your body is at risk of damage when your blood pressure readings rise. 

Some of the health issues with a clear link to high blood pressure include:

  • Heart failure
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Vision problems

Hypertension usually does not exhibit clear symptoms. Very often, the first indication of high blood pressure is a serious and sudden health crisis. 

Monitoring your blood pressure is a simple process. When you come in for a visit with Dr. Toe, one of the first steps in any appointment involves taking your blood pressure. There are also at-home blood pressure monitoring systems available to help you track your health on your own. 

What can I do to improve my hypertension?

Fortunately, there are numerous ways to lower your blood pressure. Medications might play a role in your treatment plan, especially if your blood pressure is extremely high or if you have other health challenges. 

Drug therapy, however, is never the only treatment option. Making meaningful lifestyle improvements can go a long way toward lowering your blood pressure. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet is a great place to begin, as well as avoiding highly processed foods. 

Getting more exercise is also important. You don’t have to embark on an extreme exercise plan to see improvements; even adding a short walk to your daily routine can yield results. 

If you’re ready to learn your current blood pressure or lower your readings, schedule a visit with Dr. Toe at your earliest convenience. Online and phone booking options are available.